Hot Wheels

Sorry for the announcement cliffhanger on the previous post…

Didn’t realize it would spark the rumour mill quite like it did.

Allow me to clear the air – We haven’t adopted any kangaroos or koalas.  We didn’t win the lotto.   We aren’t moving to back to the UK or the US – not yet, anyways.  I do NOT have a ring on my finger NOR a bun in the oven.  So there.

I’m afraid this is going to be a little anti-climatic now….

We bought a car!

We’ve been braving the public transport system (like pros) since the beginning of our Australian time.  It has been handy enough – quite convenient on most day-to-day fronts, but we were getting the itch to have a means of getting out of town on the weekends.

Now that we have this set of wheels, I’m going to try to resist driving EVERYWHERE.  My current commute to work is a 4.5 minute walk,  I’m going to fight the urge to drive on rainy days.

Road trips are getting planned.  We are now accepting mix tape suggestions!




2 comments on “Hot Wheels

  1. Maria says:

    So Happy for both of you! Congratulations on the “addition” to your family! xoxo M

  2. Regina Overath says:

    It appears that the driver side is on the left so you will be driving on the right side of the road, right? Enjoy your new car, and the new car smell!


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